Monday, October 24, 2011


I was really excited when I found out about Dwolla payment service. It offers not only a PayPal like payment gateway for websites, but also a very creative payment option for "offline" merchants in physical stores. The fees are really low compared to any other payment service and the idea that you pay absolutely nothing when you transfer money back and forth from your bank account is just great. Dwolla Spots application on the web or your mobile phone shows you information about nearby merchants.

On the downside, the service works only inside the US. This is something I hope I see changed in the near future. Dwolla does not support credit card payment from and to your online account. That's the whole idea behind Dwolla: skip the "plastic" to reduce costs. You have to transfer funds directly from your bank account.

In general I think Dwolla is great for small to medium businesses. They will be able to save a lot of transaction fees they pay to other payment services. I think it's also ideal to consider using Dwolla for a site accepting donations.

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